212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

From curls, to side ponytails, to chignons, Curlisto has you covered on gorgeous hair styles to try for all of your holiday parties this season!
Learn how to quickly transform your day time office look into a hot night side do!
Christo’s how to tips for gorgeous night time curls:


Step 1:

Begin your morning by separating your hair into 5 sections and using Curlisto Structura Lotion or Curlisto Lotion PLUS to style your curls for work. For tight to kinky curls, we recommend cocktailing your lotion with a dime sized portion of Curlisto Control II Gel on each section.

Check out how Ashley styles her natural tight curls at home.


Step 2:

Once the clock hits 5pm, be sure to touch up your curls with Curlisto Finishing Pomade or Curlisto Unruly Paste+ to smooth your curls out.

Check out how Jenny styles her natural kinky curls at home.

Step 3:
DIY night party curly styles!



Step 4:

Finish either night look with Curlisto Structura Spray to protect your style and a few spritz of Curlisto Glow & Shine for an all night long shimmer. Also bring our water-based leave-in treatment Curlisto Protein Boost with you to keep your curls away from frizz. Curlisto supplies all of these products in travel size to keep in your purse handy at all times!


Right now, Curlisto Finishing Pomade, Unruly Paste + and 2 oz. >Structura Spray, 2 oz. Glow & Shine and 2 oz. Protein Boost are 50% off until the end of this November!

And of course, Curlisto wants to remind you to #LoveYourCurls and wishes you a happy and healthy holiday season!