212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

For the past several years it seemed as if my hair simply would not grow. Looking back this really shouldn’t have been a surprise to me, after all I was getting a trim every 3 months at a hair salon that never seemed to know what to do with my fine medium curls. I was shampooing everyday with Pantene and my only product was Garnier. I was basically doing everything wrong. Now a year later and with my hair SIGNIFICANTLY longer I like to think that I have learned a few good lessons on the rules of hair growth. And I am here to share them with you!

1. Find The Right Hair Cut: The Curlisto Diametrix cut shapes your hair and removes dead ends without sacrificing too much length! This is such a relief compared to many other haircuts that are given by non curly specialists where due to shrinkage you may walk out with hair much shorter than you expected.

2. Keep Hair Moisturized!: Hair can’t grow if it’s dry and constantly breaking! So keep it moisturized with Curlisto Protein Boost, our favorite structuring leave-in conditioner.

3. Keep Hair Clean: When your hair is dealing with toxic build up it will never be able to become healthy enough to grow. So make sure to use our Curlisto Aqualizer once a month to get rid of harmful chemicals and other unwanted minerals.

4. Eat Your Omega 3s!: Products are only a part of it. Hair health is also related to body health. So make sure you are eating those avocados and almonds and watch the magic happen!