
5 Tips For When You Decide To Ditch The Flattening Iron
condition, diffuse, repair cream, protein based products, clarify your hair It's been years since the days when I used to spend an hour a day subjecting my curls to 400 plus degrees of heat. It took a long time but at long last my curls are finally healing from that...

Want To Know What It’s Like To Be A Head Stylist In New York City? Christo Tells Us How It Is!
Being the global artistic director of a high fashion salon like Christo NYC takes more than a good idea and an organized mindset. It takes dedication, confidence and an unstoppable energy that allows you to manage several clients as well as salon publicity and designs...

#TBT: The Most Famous Styles Throughout History (And How To Get Them)
brigitte bardot, Every generation has a defining hairstyle. Right now natural hair is having its moment as seen by Maria Borges at Victoria's Secret and Lineisy Montero for Chanel. A decade ago it was crimped hair and headbands a la Lizzie Mcguire. There have been...

Going Away To College? We Have The Products You Need!
First of all, if you are going to college in the Fall, congratulations!! This is an exciting (and yes nerve wracking) time. We know you want to look your best, and going away to school is certainly an upheaval in the routine of your life, albeit a welcome one. We want...

4 Ways That Curlisto Travel Kits Keep Your Hair Flawless During Your Vacation
When I was a little girl in Italy, what I remember other than the gondolas, the gelato and the 100 plus degree heat, was my wild, matted hair. Travel has a number of bizarre, negative effects on the human body. From fatigue, to bloating and loss of taste buds (that's...

5 Celebrities Who Look Gorgeous With Their Natural Hair
There is an awful lot of discussion that goes on concerning whether or not celebrities are also supposed to be role models. True, they are still human beings and deserve to make their mistakes in private (especially if they are under 18 years old), but they are also...

5 Reasons Why The Curlisto Anti Frizz Treatment May Be Right For You
if your hair tends to fall into a triangle shape, if you are looking for more volume but less frizz, if your hair has inconsistent texture, if your layer cut isn't giving you the body you desire, if your hair tends to be dry Am I the only one who spends more time on...

The Best Photos From This Weekend’s Cutting Class
We are so proud of Le Petit Salon in Cambridge, Ma for becoming our latest Curlisto certified salon! Our cutting classes give talented stylists all over the country the opportunity to add new products and services to their repertoire as well as attracting new clients...

How To Undo The Damage Caused By Your Weekend Fun
It's been a long weekend and if you are anything like me, weekends are a time when you let your hair down (no pun intended), remove your halo and just dedicate yourself to making the most of your short period of free time. In other words, no time to devote to...

5 Products To Get For Your Man Crush Monday
Men: They can't live without us and if we weren't a constant presence in their lives they would probably not bother to wash their faces. But when they do put in the effort we want to see, they can really clean up well. That's why Christo created a line of styling...