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It’s been a long weekend and if you are anything like me, weekends are a time when you let your hair down (no pun intended), remove your halo and just dedicate yourself to making the most of your short period of free time. In other words, no time to devote to maintaining personal health. So because of this, there might be some damage control that you will have to do today to make up for yesterday. But you are not alone, here are our tips for undoing some of your weekend fun and bringing the health back to your hair. The rest of the damage? That we will leave up to you.

Excessive Sweat: You’ve been enjoying being outdoors instead of cooped up in the office and we do not blame you! But the temperature is high and the salt in your sweat is leaving your hair dehydrated. To re- moisturize and condition your hair, we recommend you use Curlisto Bio Curl conditioner which retains moisture as well as preventing dryness.

Alcohol: Alcohol can cause the body to become deficient in Zinc which leads to thinning and hair loss. Alcohol is also a fun way to unwind over the weekend so to help undo some of the damage, try Curlisto Scalp Stimulant. This product stimulates the scalp, allowing a healthy environment for continued hair growth.

Product Build Up: We know you are just trying to look fabulous when you spritz your hair with everything in the bathroom prior to leaving for the night, but that is never a good plan when it comes to hair health. Too much product can make hair become heavy and dense. Curlisto Blow Me Clean Dry Shampoo removes excess sebum and build up, leaving the hair soft and healthy.

Lack Of Sleep: Lack of sleep can weaken your hair and though the weekends are a chance to sleep in, most of us end up staying out all night. For this, we love Curlisto Protein Boost which helps strengthen and revive weakened hair strands.

Junk Food: The weekend should be a time when you let loose and eat half a pizza ( or maybe that’s just me?), but the truth is, your hair is based mostly on what you put in your body. A healthy balanced diet including whole grains, omega-3s and Zinc are necessary for making hair healthy and strong, but if you haven’t been so balanced with your diet, we have what you need. Curlisto Deep Therapy Masque is packed full of nutrients that leave hair healthy and revitalized. So go easy on yourself, at least you had fun this weekend.