212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

I have a wishlist a mile long as it is but with the holidays approaching full force and all of the beautiful Curlisto Gif Boxes surrounding me, that mile is about to find itself doubled! If any of you lovely readers are curious about what is on my holiday wishlist this season here is a list- make sure to check it twice ;)!

Curlisto Aqualizer: I almost never shampoo my hair because my hair is naturally dry as it is but after a while even my curls need some major cleansing! Aqualizer is our go to product for stripping absolutely everything from your hair. Use sparingly!

Curlisto Lotion Plus: Lotion Plus never fails to make my curls silky smooth even in the worst weather! This is a product I use absolutely every day.

Curlisto Control II Gel: I like to use Control II for that extra control over my curls but if you need a product with slightly lighter coverage, Curlisto Control I is equally amazing.

Curlisto Structura Spray: This lightweight hairspray is perfect for adding that finishing touch to any hairstyle.

Curlisto Glow & Shine: For when you want that extra little something to add to your already gorgeous curls!