212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

Everyone loves a good bargain and that’s why Black Friday is such a popular day for prospective shoppers. However, there is much that makes the day horrible despite it’s (possible) good intentions. Lucky for you, our Curlisto Black Friday deals have everything that makes Black Friday great without any of the downsides. Here are a few reasons you should make sure to be there for Curlisto’s Black Friday!

No Crowds: Avoid the massive crowds of people who will inevitably turn out for Black Friday by spending it with a glass of wine at our salon website!

No Early Mornings: Our Curlisto deals last all day and we promise we won’t run out before the sun comes up.

Awesome Deals!: On Black Friday when you pay $75 or more you will get $20 dollars off, $500 or more and you get $175 off, $150 or more and $45 off, and $80 off of $250 or more with our special coupon codes!

Great Prices on Our Awesome Gift Boxes: All gift boxes start at $19.99 with all of the essential products you need for your curly hair!

Deals on All Curlisto Kits:
This Friday all Curlisto kits are 30% off. So make sure to pay us a visit post Thanksgiving day!