212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

Three weeks after Halloween, I still had the supposedly “temporary” hair color left in my hair despite several deep shampooings. What was I going to do? Thankfully I had a stylist recommend Curlisto Aqualizer Shampoo to me and guess what? The color was gone! So what is the deal with this miracle shampoo? Well we’re going to tell you all about it!

Curlisto Aqualizer works to remove build up caused by pollution, chlorine, and minerals from hard water. The shampoo works for all hair types but is hardly the sort of product that you should be using on a daily basis! For those who are exposed to pool water or hard mineral water of the sort found in Florida this shampoo should be used no more than twice a week. For everyone else? A case by case basis. Since this shampoo ultimately strips EVERYTHING out of the hair, overuse will leave hair dry and badly textured.

But if you are like me and find yourself with a product that makes a home in your hair for longer than it is welcome, then Curlisto Aqualizer Shampoo is your life saver! Or at least it’s mine.