212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

If you haven’t been looking to the heroines of our favorite horror movies for fashion inspiration, you have been missing out! These ladies have looks that could kill (literally). If you want killer hair like some of your favorite hairoines (yes I make dumb puns). Here are just a few horror movie babes with hair we love and how you can get it too!

1. Melanie Daniels of The Birds:

Ok so Melanie spent most of the Birds running around needing to be saved by the men of the story but wow did she ever have great hair! To get Melanie’s look, blow dry your hair using a round brush before finishing the look with none other than Curlisto’s Finishing Spray!

2. Kirsty Cotton from Hellraiser:
No one is more bada** than Kirsty Cotton in Hellraiser and no one has better hair either. To get volume like Kirsty we recommend Curlisto Curl Reform.

3. Sydney Prescott in Scream:


Bangs! These bangs most certainly require a blow out, to protect your hair from excessive heat we recommend using Curlisto Repair Cream!

4. Wednesday Addams from The Adams Family:


To get Wednesday’s gorgeous goth braids, make sure to use Curlisto Control I Gel to make sure that you’re hair lasts through your constant scowling and torture sessions 😉 Happy Halloween!