212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

One of the things that Christo Fifth Avenue is most known for is its Curly Hair seminars which take the time to invite seasoned stylists from all across the country to come in and learn from Christo himself. But there are so many pros to coming into the seminar that go even beyond learning from one of New York’s most renown stylists. If you are a salon professional, take a look at some of these points and sign up for a session!

1. You Learn So Much In Only One Seminar: From learning the basics of the Diamtrix cut to practicing hands on with in salon models, you will walk away from this having learned the ropes of cutting and styling curly hair. No small feat in the salon world!

2. You Will learn The Art of Curly Hair: Unlike with straight hair, each strand of curls is different from the ones around it. Straight hair is a quick snip snip and your done! Curly hair is a process that demands extra attention and dedication. Learn the ropes at one of our styling courses.

3. You Receive Hands On Experience Learning the trademarked Diamtrix Cutting Technique: The Diamtrix Cutting Technique is what sets Christo and Curlisto apart in the beauty industry. This technique creates beautiful, healthy curls, no exception, something that is not easy to achieve in many salons.

4. You Will Be Known As A Curlisto Certified Salon: Become part of our network of certified salons, add new services to your salon list and gain new customers! Sounds like a win – win deal right?