212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036
House of Funk (2016)

House of Funk (2016)

Supporting local businesses is integral to our design philosophy. Authenticity, honesty, beauty, and simplicity are the tenets of House of Funk, and we look for these same qualities in the businesses and vendors we work with. New York City-based Christo Fifth Avenue...


Naturally Curly lists Curlisto Diametrix cut as one of the top 18 best haircuts for curly hair. Specifically noting the Versus Diametrix cut, a long, diagonally angled cut designed to take away bulkiness. The name Versus Diametrix describes the method of cutting the...
In New York (2016)

In New York (2016)

In New York describes Christo 5th Avenue as a “warm and inviting atmosphere” and expounds on the many services offered including facial massage, manicure and complimentary green tea. Oh yes and a sweet “mediterranean kiss” courtesy of...