212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

I’m looking out the window right now and the weather is bad. Not cataclysmic but nasty in the way that makes you question weather getting up and going to work every morning is really necessary. The truth is that yes, it is necessary and it is also necessary to make sure your hair looks work ready. Even if you could swear you literally saw a cat and a dog fall from the sky this morning. We have the products to combat all of your worst weather nightmares.

Curlisto Protein Boost:

This is an excellent leave in treatment that protects your hair from sun damage and should be used every time you wet your hair. This is the number one product to have in your beach bag since it moisturizes your hair and protects it from sun damage. Great to use while on vacation or in sunny places.

Curlisto Lotion Plus:
This product activates the curl memory of the hair shaft leaving your hair soft and frizz free even in the toughest of weather. It’s a great styling lotion, without mixing the gel. Grab one of these PLUS bottles when you need a little more hold than your regular lotion. Great for humid days!

Curlisto Repair Cream:

It is an ultimate frizz fighter, perfect for a humid, rainy day! Repair Cream contains the essential botanical protein, keratin, which strenthens and moisturizes both the inner and outer layers of the hair shaft.

Curlisto Aqualizer:

This clarifying shampoo removes build-up caused by pollution, chlorine, and minerals from hard water. Which is why this is a necessity for Summer weather!

Curlisto Deep Therapy Masque:

A revolutionary “8-minute Hair Repair” deep conditioning treatment for all curl types. Consistent use promotes healthy and frizz-free hair. This masque will help to heal any damage from inclement weather!