212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

Something about fall has everyone and their mother rushing off to their colorist. Maybe it’s that leftover back to school feeling. Or maybe with the sun setting earlier and the temperature dropping cabin fever is starting to set in and everyone is just looking for a little excitement in their lives. Whatever it may be, the results are in and these are the most popular hair colors of the season. Feel your color fading fast? Try our Curlisto Colorective line for long term, brilliant color!

Selena Gomez’ Inky Black Mane


Selena is a long term client of our creative director Christo and always has the coolest hair!

Lily Collins’ Plum Colored Lob

This color may not be for everyone but if you do decide to try it, we think it is perfect for the crisp fall weather.

Kendall Jenner’s Walnut Colored Locks


Nothing like a classic brunette look.

Cara Delevingne’s Honey Blonde Waves

To get frizz free waves like Cara’s, try our Curlisto Structura Lotion.