212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

Take a look at any high fashion hair ad, what do you see? Karlie Kloss swinging her hair extensions back and forth? Selena Gomez and her blow dried tresses? How does your hair look after you have finished styling it in the morning? Probably not Victoria’s Secret Fashion Show ready.

When you see someone who probably had a team of experts spend hours, fashioning their hair to perfection, it can be hard to keep your confidence in check. Why doesn’t my hair look like that, you may wonder.

Well the fact is, most of us can’t afford to get our hair professionally styled everyday. And the women in these ads have been professionally styled. You will likely not receive the results peddled to you in the ad just by purchasing this product.

Which is why Curlisto shows real women who’s hair has been treated with our products. We want you to know that what you are seeing is an achievable reality. The women in our ads are not models but real, everyday women like you with healthy beautiful hair. Just like yours can be.

Want to see one of our gorgeous Curlisto “models” style her hair? Take a look at our Youtube channel and subscribe!