212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

When Christo 5th Ave has its salon certification seminars, those in attendance have the opportunity to practice their cut on in salon hair models who in turn receive lovely, professional haircuts, free of charge. Christo is always looking for in salon models for photoshoots and seminars, and that could be you! So why should you apply as a hair model? Let us give you a free good reasons to email info@christonyc.com to volunteer.

1. Free Curlisto Cut: A haircut at Christo 5th Ave can cost up to 500 dollars and you will be getting one for free. That is a lot of money to save on styling.

2. Meet Christo Himself: The King of Curls will be in attendance at the seminar, which means you will have the opportunity to learn the laws of hair care from the master himself.

3. Make A Connection: Meet some of the best stylists in the country, learn a few interesting things about hair care and visit the Christo flagship salon, all while being treated like a supermodel.

4. End Up On Our Website: Want your five minutes of fame? If you model for us, you may even end up featured on the website.

5. Free Lunch: And if all of that isn’t enough, we promise you free food to literally sweeten the deal.