212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

There is one question you must ask yourself if you want to know for sure whether or not you know what you are doing with your clients curls: Do you cut your clients hair dry, or wet?

If your answer to the above question is wet then congratulations, you have absolutely no idea what you are doing. But don’t worry, we can help you.

Not only does Christo offer classes on the art of styling curly hair but we also have compiled a few tips for you right here to help you on your way to becoming an expert in working with those luscious ringlets. Because curly hair really isn’t unmanageable, it just takes a bit more effort. But like a chocolate souffle or a particularly beautiful woman, the best things in life often take an extra bit of work!

So, to begin with:

The Right Shampoo: Our products use mostly organic ingredients and are sulfate and paraben free. Most shampoos strip the hair of its natural oils leaving it dry and unmanageable. Our salons products avoid this simple mistake right from the get go.

Cut Your Curls in Layers: The more volume the better, plus this is an excellent way to avoid the dreaded triangle look (See Christo’s famous Diametrix cutting method)

Style Curly Hair Using Sectioning Clips: With straight hair you can just work with it while it’s loose and wet because each strand is the same. Curls have their own personality and will not react kindly to a method they are not comfortable with. Get to know the curls, style each strand individually.

Do Not Rub Curls Dry With A Terrycloth Towel: This promotes frizz. Use a micro fiber towel to absorb excess water and dry hair more quickly without hurting the texture of the curl.

Use A Wide Toothed Comb: NEVER A BRUSH. Your curls want to stay together, a brush will separate the curls causing flyaways and breakage. How do you feel after a bad breakup? That is the way curly hair feels when it is forced to breakup because a stylish decided to brush them.

Last But Not Least, The Reason Why You Cut Curly Hair Dry: When curly hair is wet, it appears to be the same length, however it will not be once it is dry. Hence the triangle effect.

We hope you found this post enlightening, however if you want to learn more, sign up for a seminar to meet the master of curls himself and be party to a more in depth discussion on how to make curly hair beautiful (well even more beautiful).