212-997-8800 info@christonyc.com 35 west 45th Street 3rd Floor, New York, NY 10036

If you know Christo, you know that nobody works harder or puts more time into his business. But what is truly admirable is that he is able to balance the work of directing an international salon with the necessity of relaxing and enjoying the extracurricular pleasures that keep a soul fed and nourished. Recently Christo took a much needed trip to the islands of Greece and Sicily. As many of you know, Christo is a Greek Cypriot originally from the island of Cyprus. As some of you may not know Sicily originally had ties to Greece, having been a colony of Greece in 750 BC, which is why much of the architecture in the region is so similar. Christo feels at home in these regions because of the beautiful weather, historic architecture and fresh, delicious food found there. If you missed the gorgeous Instagrams taken by Christo during his trip, here is some of the photography for you to salivate over this weekend.


Naxos, Greece